Sit-N-Go’s are the new poker craze. They are different than cash games because you only have one table and a minimal amount of money to invest. Many players are getting so annoyed with playing cash games and getting sick of getting sucked out on or going into a huge debt because they lost a tournament. Here are a few tips on when to be aggressive and when to fold.
For starters, you want to play your opponent and not your cards. datasgp Many players will play weak hands when they have a big stack and will call or bet every other hand when they don’t have anything. Your object is to get those big stacks out of the hand when you have a good hand. Many times you will have to all-in to win the hand. Play aggressive when you have a good hand and you will be much more successful.
Concentrate on your opponents’ cards and how you are playing your own. Try to keep track of what everyone else does. Watch your opponents and identify their poker tells. Over time you will learn to read your opponents. How many hands are they playing, what are their betting patterns, what are their reactions to your actions, etc. If you know enough about your opponents, you can guess what kind of hand they have every time you play against them. Learn to change up your game-play and become more elusive to your opponents.
Practice is the key to successful poker play. Find a game you want to master and spend many hours perfecting your techniques. Now is the time to become aggressive. You can either play conservative or play very aggressive. data pengeluaran sgp 2022 You need to have a clear purpose in mind when you decide to play aggressive. Your objective is to either get a very good hand in order to protect your hand or to win the hand in order to win the pot. It is rare that you will have a hand good enough to win the pots that you play, but if you are always playing with a solid hand you will win the small pots much more often.

Here are a few hands that you should call to see the flop or fold.
Full houses, Flushes, Three of a Kind, Straight Flush, High Card, etc.
These hands win most of the time if you pull a flush or a straight. There are other hands that you should call to see the flop, but they are not good enough to let you win the hand with them. Avoid these hands since they usually cost you money.
Suited Connectors, Many Fish
These hands win once in a while, but lose pretty fast if there are many people in the pot. It is kind of a guessing game as to whether or not you will hit your hand. The attractively high pairs are especially vulnerable to many people going all-in.
Suited One Gappers, Cliffs
AA, KK, QQ, JJ, AK, etc.
These hands win 85% of the time if you hit an ace or a king on the flop. If you hit a low hand, like Q8, you still have a good chance of winning the hand. Even if someone goes all-in, you will probably only lose the blinds.
AK, JJ, TT, 99, 88, 77, 66, 55, 44, 33, 22, etc.
These hands win about 50% of the time if you hit a low hand. If you hit a high card, it is probably still good if you fold, unless another player also has a very good hand. You can also go all-in with these hands about 10% of the time. If you are playing against low pairs, you should also stay away.
handheld games
The next best thing about handheld poker games is that they are quite portable. sgp result You can bring a game to your friend’s house and keep it there. I know of a friend that brought a handheld game to my house many years ago. It had a little fold-out board on the Winnie pictures and took pictures of each of them when they were hit. You could do this as a play slip and keep each play in your handheld. You would have had many different pictures at your fingertips all day long! Nowadays, you can take a picture as soon as you sit down to the table. Most people use a camera, but you could also use your imagination.
Another great thing about these games is that you can multitask. You can play one, or even several games at the same time. I have been known to play as many as six or eight games simultaneously. I call this method, multi-tabling.